Welcome Linda Bolton! Please tell us the
title of your newest release?
Take 2
I hear it’s a good time to pick it up because
it’s on sale for the next couple of weeks. Where can we go to read a preview?
You can find my book,
Take 2 on Amazon and there is a
preview there for readers to take a peek. http://www.amazon.com/Take-2-ebook/dp/B00ATPVW2Q
Do you have any books in the works?
Yes, I have a few – The
next one after Take 2, not sure of the title yet, is about Tristen Bane. He’s a
minor character in Take 2.
· I have four more contemporary stories in the works, 2
erotica (under Addison Murray) and a memoire. (so far…)
When you read, what is your favorite genre?
· I love historical romance, specifically men in kilts! But
I read a lot of different genre, things people recommend. If it’s good I’ll
read it.
Do you have any hobbies? What do you like to
do in your free time?
· I spend time with my baby granddaughter, I love to cook
and I used to scrapebook quite a bit. I’d love to travel but I don’t have much
time for that these days.
If you would have time travel abilities and
could meet anyone from any time, who would you like to meet?
I think I would like to
travel into the future and visit my granddaughter when she’s in her 70’s. I’d
love to know what memories she has of me, if I made an impact, if she felt the
love I had for her.
What is your all time favorite movie?
I have a few…How to Lose
a Guy in 10 Days, What a Girl Wants, Titanic, Sweet Home Alabama and Legally
Are there any specific authors that you admire?
I admire any author that can publish
four or more books a year. I’d love to be able to do that.
If there was one author you
could meet with and learn from, who would that be?
Shakespeare – I would love to sit down
and find out how he ticked.
What advice would you give
to aspiring writers?
Keep writing, research, research, write
and don’t be afraid to seek advice!
Are there any tips you could
give that you learned along your path of picking up the pen to having a
published novel?
Keep writing, research, research, write
and don’t be afraid to seek advice! Meet as many authors as you can and ask
them about writing and publishing. Check out publishers’ websites, google
everything! Learn about the process of getting published as well as how to
improve your writing. Get a thick skin, you can’t please everyone, but learn
from those with critiques. Always keep learning!
Do you plan on being a full
time writer, or do you have other career plans?
I’d love to write full time but right
now I work 50 hours a week and write very part time.
How long have you been
I started writing poetry in high school
but didn’t start writing novels until my late 40’s.
Do you prefer Ebook,
paperback, or hardcover?
I used to prefer paperback, ebooks are
growing on me. I like that I can carry multiple books around with me without all
the extra weight. And I will be sad when physical books are a thing of the
past, we know it’s coming, because I love the smell of old books at a used
Do you have any writing
rituals like a particular treat, good luck charm, etc?
I like to sit on my chase. No music, no
noise. Just listening to the voices in my head speak to me.
Do you have a set writing schedule or do you write when
the fancy hits you?
When I can fit it in.
Working 50 hours a week and a few social obligations, I write around all that.
When you aren’t writing,
what would we find you doing?
Working, working out, playing with my
granddaughter, hanging out with my friends.
Is music part of your writing process? If so, what do you listen
I love music at every other time except
when I’m writing.
Is your glass half full or half empty?
Always half full. I am a
very positive person and can usually find the good in everyone, the rainbow at
the end of the storm, a bright spot in a dark moment.
Thank you for taking time out to speak with my readers
today. Is there a way they can stay connected with you online?
And there you have it
folks, a little background about one of my favorite people and a great author,
Linda Bolton! Feel free to post a comment or question for Linda below.
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