Jason is an author of The Complete Idiot's Guide To Linkedin Marketing an blogger, entrepreneur and consultant,Linkedin Expert,Small Business Expert. Jason offers SEO, Marketing, and Small Business Consulting services on his website, JasonBaudendistel.com. He is also the CEO of Bored Student Records. He has a new book coming out soon on entrepreneurship that tells his story about how he battled poverty and being on welfare throughout his young life,his time serving the United States as a member of the Navy, and the different ventures he is continuing to pursue as he grows his business.
Bio provided by author's site
It was our pleasure to get a chance to interview Jason and get a chance to know a little more about this determined young man. He has decided to make something of himself and help others along the way. So sit back and get comfortable and please give a warm welcome to Jason!
1. What makes for a good hook in your stories? Where does your inspiration come from?
Educating while inspiring is what drives me to write.
2. Are you an organized writer? Do you do things like take notes and make lists of characters? Or do you free write and work it out as you go?
My writing is a combination of creative presentation and organizing great information.
3. What is your normal writing day like? Do you write when you are inspired or do you have a schedule?
I write when I feel I have something to put into one of my books.
4. Who is your favorite author and how did they inspire you to write?
Either Seth Godin or Chris Brogan I love great information put in an entertaining form.
5. It’s easy to see that you have a passion for writing but is there any part of it you don’t like?
Editing I need a good editor..lol
6. Do you make time to read and if you do what are you reading right now?
I love to read. Right now I have no new books on my reading list but I love to learn.
7. What drove you to write your inspirational story of "The Trailer Park Millionare"?
I wanted to share my story to help inspire and educate others. So they could see that nothing can stop you if you don’t give up.
8. Your books have been published with Amazon.com, Does this mean you see the publishing industry headed this way?
Amazon is a great tool. Self publishing and small publishers provide more freedom and the same tools that big publishers give.
9. Do you have any online sites where others can read more of your writings?
At www.jasonbaudendistel.com you can learn more about my best selling first book.
10. Do you have any more stories in the works? What kinds of stories do you
plan to write next?
Nothing else planned for now
11. If your book, "The Trailer Park Millionare" were to become an inspirational video, who would you want to do the narrative voice?
James Earl Jones Always loved his voice..lol
12. If you could meet anyone from any time who would it be and what would be your first question?
Abraham Lincoln he inspires me would love to spend a day with him.
My Website:
Link To My Bestselling first book on Amazon
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