Youth baseball coach Marty Schupak shares his 21 years coaching Little League baseball. From picking teams to dealing with parents, this book covers just about everything a coach or parent needs to know about youth baseball. Coach Schupak covers the most fundamental techniques of throwing, hitting, pitching, base running as well as some of the biggest problems youth coaches face and how to handle them. The drills section has over 100 creative easy to follow drills with over 200 color pictures. There is a sample practice section that lays out in detail 60 different practices that youth baseball coaches can easily follow during the course of a season. This book is appropriate for parents, coaches and leagues with kids 6-12 years old.
Bio provided by author's site
It was a real pleasure to get the opportunity to interview Marty and learn just some of his tips from a long and wonderous career with youth baseball. As with most careers that have its ups and downs, it's easy to see that Marty has a real love for the game. Please give a very warm welcome to Marty!
1. What makes for a good hook in your stories? Where does your inspiration come from?
Because my books are non-fiction sports instruction,
most of my material comes from practical coaching experience from the past 22 years. I also observe other coach’s techniques and try to integrate them in my own philosophy.
2. Are you an organized writer? Do you do things like take notes and make lists of characters? Or do you free write and work it out as you go?
I am always taking notes. I’m an old fashioned and love to keep an index card with me at all times. I make notes on any sports I observe, not only baseball and try to see if I can incorporate any benefits from drills, skill techniques etc.
3. What is your normal writing day like? Do you write when you are inspired or do you have a schedule?
Being a lifetime C- student, my stamina is limited. I’m basically good for 90 minutes in the morning and I squeeze in another two sessions of 30 minutes each. When I hear of people like Stephen King and John Grisham write from morning till night, I am extremely envious of their stamina.
4. Who is your favorite author and how did they inspire you to write?
I change a lot but my latest is a new young writer I discovered, Lennon Nersesian. His first book “The Green Door” was an incredible book! If there was one book that has inspired me to “dip my toe” into Fiction, this is the book.
Just wish I could write more in a given period. Also I know it isn’t possible but wish my books could be available for the public the second I put in my last period ending the book.
I’m always trying to read but prefer writing.
Another Lennon Nersesian book, “Atom” is on my Kindle right now.
I had produced baseball instructional dvds. I decided that with the popularity of hand held devices such as the Kindle, many coaches like showing pictures of drills and techniques. Books are a perfect compliment to my videos.
I absolutely do! Amazon has leveled the playing field more than anyone else for authors.
We have been putting articles I authored on my web site:
10. Do you have any more stories in the works?
I have another book on baseball instruction coming out in March. And my first fiction book should be out around the same time.
11. What kinds of stories do you plan to write next?
My fiction books are for young adult targeted for
males 10-14 who have played sports at one time.
Most future projects will involve sports.
12. If your book were to become an educational video who would you want to be the narrative voice for it?
John Fishback.
13. If you could meet anyone from any time who would it be and what would be your first question?
I would want to meet Babe Ruth.
I would ask him: Can you sign these 50 baseballs?
Seriously, I’d love to meet Jesus Christ. I wouldn’t ask one
particular question but would like 10 minutes to speak to him.
you can also find a you tube video of his book here:
Thanks again!